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Business and marketing materials created by a professional writer
dedicated to your project. I write brochures, web content, software
manuals, newsletters, sales letters, new product announcements, trade
articles, operating procedures, direct mail, product spec sheets... any
document your business might need. Whether your goal is to generate
sales leads or internal employee communications, I can help.
Website Analysis
A complete review of your company's website. The topics covered vary depending on the client's specific issues, but commonly include: content, site architecture and marketing effectiveness. After reviewing your site and the competition's, I review your site for content and organization, determine what works and what doesn't, and make suggestions for improvement. The written critique may range from two to ten or more pages, depending on the scope of the site and issues.
It's common for a client to then request that I make the suggested changes. I am more than happy to rewrite existing content and create new when necessary. I will gladly work with your IT department or web hosting organization on the technical aspects, or I can refer you to a website development firm with whom I have an established relationship. This type of project is generally initiated when company is experiencing lower than expected internet sales, or have a high visit rate with an extremely low conversion rate.
Copy Edit
A thorough review of an existing piece of material, followed by a rewrite. The piece can be an internal draft or a previously printed item. I review the piece to identify what works and what doesn't, then discuss my suggestions with you. After we agree on a new direction, I rewrite the copy. Because the copy isn't written from scratch, this is a great way to get help from a professional writer on even the tightest budget.
Copy Critique
A comprehensive analysis of an existing piece of material for content, sales message, presentation, and more. The piece can be an internal draft or a previously printed item. I identify what works and what doesn't, then present a written critique. A critique is generally two to five single-spaced pages, and can be used by the project team to hone the piece to perfection. This is ideal for an organization that wants to use their in-house writing talent to maintain a unified voice, but needs guidance to make their piece an effective marketing tool.
Proof Reading
A thorough review of an existing document for spelling, grammar and punctuation. I provide a clean, corrected copy of the document, in addition to a version with the errors highlighted so the client can review the changes. This service is for an organization already confident about their piece, and is not looking for content review or revision.